
Google Chrome OS

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Finally,The computer network has been proposed Larry Ellison so It will into the hands of everyone.

U.S. 11/19 to time Google has announced the network computer Google Chrome OS.

it is to manage applications in a browser.
In other words, this OS is words and music, such as document creation, viewing and creating videos, for a chat, available on all browsers.

The application is available WEB browser running on the application only.
Therefore, until now spent considerable time OS like, you can install the program, there is no need to update.
If you have the browser and OS you about updates.
In addition, the product will stop the hard.Hard drive failure or noise, such as eliminating the weight, you will begin to decrease the need for computer equipment.

Google's Android OS developed only recently, in an innovative and evolving its OS.
And Go programming language, announced this before.
Beyond that, Google is also rumored to sell the Google phones.
Google has a long, someone has stopped the popularity of the Google innovation was said to fall, that concern seems to have right now.

This network OS and Oracle when a war might catch the signs.They have already developed, or may make an announcement at around the same time.It is highly likely to be very low from the PC next year.

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